Yes, perfect solution
I tested an acciaccatura with a chord and with a single note : it's absolutly the same :


\version "2.10.25"

\new Staff {
                   \acciaccatura b'8
                       \once \override NoteHead #'X-extent = #'(0.0 . 0.0)
                   \hideNotes c''4  \unHideNotes
               < e' g' c''>4

       \acciaccatura b'8  c''4


I had never really understood the X-extent property, i think now i understand a bit more. Thank you Valentin.

A day, when i am a shemer, i'll try to make a function to make that staff automatic.

( with this syntax for exemple \acciaChord b'8 < e' g' c''>4 and the function will take the first element of the chord ).

A day ...


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