Hi all,
I have no knowledge as to how LilyPond does the spacing for this specific 
situation, but I seem to have a war going on between the rehearsal mark 
(marking the second line as a Coda) and the Volta bracket.
% --- original file --- %
\version "2.10.25"#(define-markup-command (jumptext layout props txt)    
(string?)    (interpret-markup layout props        (markup #:small #:italic 
txt)    ))
codatext = \markup \line {    \smaller \musicglyph #"scripts.coda"    \jumptext 
dsalcoda = \markup \line {    \dalsegno    \jumptext #"al Coda"    \translate 
#(cons 1 1)    \small \musicglyph #"scripts.coda"}
\paper {    ragged-right = ##t}\score {    \new Voice = "test" \relative c' {   
     e2 r4        c16 d e         g^\markup \dsalcoda        \break        \bar 
"||"        \mark \markup \line {             \hspace #0             \translate 
#(cons -12 4)             \codatext        }        \set Score.repeatCommands = 
#'(start-repeat (volta "1.-3."))        a,2 ~ a8 d16 e d c a g        \set 
Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f) end-repeat (volta "4."))        a1 ~       
  \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f))        a1\fermata        \bar "|." 
The three definitions before the score block (jumptext, codatext, and dsalcoda) 
are in a file called "oldschooljumps.ly" which in my actual project is 
\included in. I just put them inline here so that the whole thing would compile 
as one file.
As you can see, the volta bracket begins "after" the low half-note A, when in 
fact it should begin right before that. What I think is happening is that the 
Rehearsal Mark containing the Coda has its own space, and is pushing the volta 
bracket a bit to the right. How do I make the volta stretch to the beginning of 
the measure? Would it work if I were to remove the Coda from space calculations 
by \overriding the TextScript's #'extra-offset?
Thank you very much in advance.
P.S. When is Version 2.12 coming out?
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