Hi all,
I'll give it another try - I searched a lot on how to left align several instrument names(different staves), but didn't find even a workaround on the list. It seems that Thies' workaround which he posted in Oct 2006 doesn't work anymore.


His post:

Here's what I do (I hope I'll remember correctly as I can't find a file containing it right now):

  \set Staff.instrument = \markup {
        \hspace #5.0
        "My Instrument"

My example:

\version "2.11.30"

\header {
piece = \markup {\fontsize #3 {"1. Test"}  }

Key = { \key b \major }

violine = {
\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup {\combine \hspace #5.0 "Violino I, II" }
\clef treble
 \time 4/4
 \relative c'' {
  c4 d b c
  d2 c

sopran = { \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup {\combine \hspace #5.0 "Soprano" }
\clef soprano
  \relative c'' {
   d2 g
   a4 f fis g

bc = {
\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup {\combine \hspace #5.0 "Organo" }
\clef bass
 \relative c {
  c2 d

\score {
  \new StaffGroup <<
    \new Staff = "Violine" \violine
  \new Voice = "Sopran" \sopran
  \new Staff = "b.c." \bc
\layout {
indent = 2.5\cm

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