[I tried resarching this topic on the list archive but most related 
topics are too extensive for me to sort out.]

In a choral piece, I have a part that tempoarily divides into (single-
line) polyphony.  How do I handle lyrics at this point?


The format of the score is outlined below:

\version "2.10.33"
\header {...}

global = {
  \key a \minor
  \time 4/4

sopranonotes = \relative c' {...}

sopranowords = \lyricmode {...}
altonotes = \relative c' {...}

altowords = \lyricmode {...}

tenornotes = \relative c' {...}
tenorwords = \lyricmode {...}

bassnotes = \relative c' {...}
basswords = \lyricmode {...}

  \context ChoirStaff
    \context Staff = soprano <<
      \context Voice = sop { << \global \sopranonotes >> }
      \lyricsto "sop" \new Lyrics \sopranowords
    \context Staff = alto <<
      \context Voice = alt { << \global \altonotes >> }
      \lyricsto "alt" \new Lyrics \altowords
    \context Staff = tenor <<
      \context Voice = ten { << \global \tenornotes >> }
      \lyricsto "ten" \new Lyrics \tenorwords
    \context Staff = bass <<
      \context Voice = bas { << \global \bassnotes >> }
      \lyricsto "bas" \new Lyrics \basswords

\layout {
  \context {
        % a little smaller so lyrics can be closer to the staff. 
    \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-3 . 3) 



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