Charles Gran <sonance <at>> writes:

> [I tried resarching this topic on the list archive but most related 
> topics are too extensive for me to sort out.]
> In a choral piece, I have a part that tempoarily divides into (single-
> line) polyphony.  How do I handle lyrics at this point?

Don't use the << ... \\ ... >> construct; it creates two new voices,
neither of which your lyrics will follow.  You can, however, do this:

tenornotes = \relative c' { \clef "G_8" r1 | 
    << { \voiceOne c4^\markup { div. } c \oneVoice } 
       \new Voice { \voiceTwo c8 b a4 } >> 
       r | 
       r2^\markup { unis. } a2\fermata | 
       a4( g fis8 f) e( b') | a1 | }

That is, you introduce a parallel section (with no \\), keep 
the original voice in one branch, and create a new voice for 
the other branch.  

Good luck,

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