Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Graham Percival wrote:
NR is a reference to look stuff up; LM is for learning the material
in the first place.

Agreed! However, what's special with LilyPond is that it's three
levels, not two.  Often for me, the IR is the real reference to look
stuff up. The division between NR and IR is obvious for you and me,
who know that the IR is the autogenerated stuff.

True. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that I have no clue how the IR is constructed -- if I _did_ understand it, we could probably make a few changes that would make the whole thing considerably easier to read.

However, that's one thing that I'm never going to tackle. If anybody wants to attempt it, great! But the IR is officially out of bounds of GDP.

- Graham

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