Hi all,

I'm using some complicated time signatures, like 3599/11748 followed
by 2667/25276 followed by 177/568, etc. (I have a good reason for this).

They render nicely for nearly ten pages or so of music, and then
suddenly adding an additional "strange" time signature causes two
programming errors:

The first comes before drawing begins.
"going backwards in time, trying to freeze in time . . ."

The second comes during drawing.
"insane spring distance requested, ignoring . . .cross fingers"

Then lily hangs -- it keeps spinning forever.

I'm using Lilypond 2.11.34 on a Mac PPC  (it also breaks the same
way in 2.11.35).

I checked my arithmetic many times -- the strange time signtaures
eventially lead to a sync-up with aother part in 3/8 meter -- and the
math is correct.  It seems to be a problem that happens when actually
drawing the page.

Any clues or similar experiences?


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