I'm having a piece with each vocal voice split into two, which are printed on the same staff. As I only want to print dynamics, articulations etc. once, I simply remove the corresponding engravers from the second voice. However, I
have not been able to find the proper engraver for the \fermataMarkup.

It 's not so hard to use scheme here :

\version "2.11.36"
#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)

\header {
 title = "Which engraver creates the \fermataMarkup on the R1?"

mI = \relative c'' { R1-\fermataMarkup | c4\p d\accent c^"Text 1" d\fermata } mII = \relative c'' { R1-\fermataMarkup | g4\p a\accent b_"Text 2" d_\fermata }

#(define (filterOneEvent event)
( let
 (eventname (ly:music-property  event 'name))
(display eventname)    ;; for infos
(newline)     ;; for infos
 (or     ;; add here event name you do NOT want
  (eq? eventname 'MultiMeasureTextEvent)
  (eq? eventname 'AbsoluteDynamicEvent)
  (eq? eventname 'TextScriptEvent)
  (eq? eventname 'ArticulationEvent)

filtermusic = #(define-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)
  (music-filter filterOneEvent music)

\context Staff <<
   \context Voice = "v1" << {\voiceOne \mI} >>
   \context Voice = "v2" << {\voiceTwo \filtermusic \mII} >>



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