
I'm managing converting a  *.midi  to  a *-midi.ly
*-midi is stored in "C:\...\Lilypond\usr\bin". It contains a lot of triplets (f8 g a) Purpose is: avoid manualy modifying the *-midi.ly code to get all of the triplets!
No answer found in the forums about the use of convert-ly
Environment: is Lilypond 2.10.33 running on win XP.
1.using midi2ly_
typing    "C:\...\bin\midi2ly --key=2 --allow-tuplet=8*2/3 *.midi"
produces *-midi.ly which version is given to be 2.7.18 (reading with jedit);
applying     lilypond.exe   gives:
*-midi.pdf shows the correct notes pitches (quite all 4-th) but without any triplet nor 8-th; *-midi-log recommanding to use convert-ly ...2.7.18 ... (2.7.38 2.10.33) **this will part of another post**
- How could I get the tuplets?
- Have I missed something?

Thanks for answering!


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