I'm afraid that the best available documentation is the source code. :-(
The impression I've got from the mailing list is that most people who have
tried to use midi2ly for any serious purpose have soon realized that it's
just as quick to enter the .ly file directly. Especially considering the fact that
you often spend just as much time editing slurs, articulations, dynamics and
other features that are not represented in MIDI, as you spend on inputting the
actual music.



Ledocq-Boccart wrote:

Where can I find explanations about the effect of the options of midi2ly.py?
What is "quantize"?
What is the effect of "explicit durations"?
I mean I would like to understand the link between the options and its action on the structure of a midi file.
As yet I feel to "cut and try" without understanding.

Best regards


Ledocq-Boccart a écrit :
Thanks Mats!

I have made some trials with various options settings: and I got something I could start with making manual corrections.

I do not understand the effect of options like:
--start-quant=DUR        I did not see much effect
With DUR=16 I get something acceptable (triplet of 8th are rendered as triplet of 16th , while --allow-tuplet=8*2/3); if DUR=8 notes of triplet are rendered as 4th.

Best regards


Mats Bengtsson a écrit :
Don't have too high expectations on what midi2ly can do with the
rhythm. As far as I know, it will only work reasonably well with
MIDI files generated from other notation programs.


Ledocq-Boccart wrote:

I'm managing converting a  *.midi  to  a *-midi.ly
*-midi is stored in "C:\...\Lilypond\usr\bin". It contains a lot of triplets (f8 g a) Purpose is: avoid manualy modifying the *-midi.ly code to get all of the triplets!
No answer found in the forums about the use of convert-ly
Environment: is Lilypond 2.10.33 running on win XP.
1.using midi2ly_
typing    "C:\...\bin\midi2ly --key=2 --allow-tuplet=8*2/3 *.midi"
produces *-midi.ly which version is given to be 2.7.18 (reading with jedit);
applying     lilypond.exe   gives:
*-midi.pdf shows the correct notes pitches (quite all 4-th) but without any triplet nor 8-th; *-midi-log recommanding to use convert-ly ...2.7.18 ... (2.7.38 2.10.33) **this will part of another post**
- How could I get the tuplets?
- Have I missed something?

Thanks for answering!


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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        School of Electrical Engineering
        Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
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