Some more usability notes.

I'm only a folk singer and guitar player, but a professional typesetter.
My first notation program was some crap that I got with an used Mac (forgot the name, it was discontinued). On Linux I tried some very early version of LilyPond but never got it to work (font issues, AFAIR). The same with MusiXTeX.

For some years I worked with "Harmony Assistant" by Myriad. It's a rather cheap shareware and very good for its price - it has interesting audio features and its notation output is at least usable for print - but ugly in comparison to Finale or LilyPond.

I can't play keyboard, therefore MIDI keyboard input is no way; placing notes with a mouse needs forever; character keyboard input is usable and fast, but limited. I really liked how I could copy & paste passages and transpose (parts of) them with a few keystrokes. Lyrics handling was nasty and got other bugs to workaround with every version.

You still find a lot of samples in my "Liederliste" homepage.

Can't remember why I tried LilyPond in 2005 again - I guess I was looking for better printable notes. (I do a Unitarian church magazine that features a song in every issue.) Using TeX for some years and programming since age 14 I had no threshold using the command line interface.

Until now I've good templates for my usual kind of work - folk songs with one or two voices or choir settings. For lyrics I sometimes have to use dirty tricks (e.g. if the number of syllables differs in a repeat), but otherwise I'm very happy.

Note and chord input works often blindly typing and is rather fast.
But LilyPond code is kind of a "write only format" - even with only one measure per line and some remarks inbetween it gets very hard to read or to find some stuff, and I miss a relation between the same measure in different voices, that makes debugging sometimes very hard. (point & click often doesn't work right.)

My former girlfriend, an Irish folk fiddler, could hardly read notes and was used to write down her tunes as "c d e f g" with spacing indicating note length. When I gave her a simple LilyPond template, she could stick with most of her habits and learned to use simple stuff like \repeat very fast, even if she didn't understand most computer stuff. So LilyPond *maybe* even good for beginners. ;-)

My choir director uses Finale, and I guess he doesn't tweak much, so some parts of our choir notes are rather ugly, esp. lyrics alignment (as proven by the OP). No, I don't think I can convince him to use LilyPond ;-) And as I'm used to LilyPond's "soft", classical engraving, I find Finale's just a bit too "cool" and pointy. And I guess his printer is too low-res...

What I miss using LilyPond:
- EPS or PDF output without unneccessary whitespace and without additional files! (for placement in a layout app or processing with TeX) - possibilities to tweak the MIDI for nicer results (not LilyPond's scope, I know) - automatic "pickup measures" in line breaks (no, Harmony can't do that, but I saw it in Capella)
- save transposed parts as source
- some special chord notation (after reading the latest discussion on jazz chords I guess my ideas are doable, though...) - simpler possibilities for additional lyrics below the scores (song sheets)
- sound "prehear" with cursor in the note preview
- better overview in longer parts (don't know how - code folding, measure counter...?)

The last two would be features of an editor/previewer and not of LilyPond itself. Maybe jEdit/LPT can already do that, but most Java apps are just too slow on my old Mac G4, and I hate this typical Java GUI (Swing?)...

Greetlings from Lake Constance
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Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

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