On 25 Feb 2008, at 13:23, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:

On Mac OS X, keyboard layouts can be created using Ukelele <http://
scripts.sil.org/ukelele>, though I don't know if the sound generation
is possible. :-)

As far as I can see, what Nicolas describes is definitely *not* possible with a OS keyboard layout; his interesting solution uses processing features of Emacs. (My homebrew OSX keymap is interesting, too, but doesn't speak LilyPond...)

Producing strings might be possible. More advanced thing probably belong to the editor, not the keyboard map. Some like to use such with TeX, so perhaps TeXShop might do it. Otherwise, there is an AquaEmacs for the Aqua GUI, and an emacs-21 in Fink for X11, though I am not sure they handle UTF-8 well.

  Hans Åberg

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