AH! ok the light is begining to shine on this for me!

This makes perfect sense.
> So far, there's no automatic support in LilyPond to avoid collisions
>  between
>  multi-measure rests and other objects. Their vertical position is
>  determined by
>  the staff-position property, which by default is set to zero. The
>  \voiceOne macro
>  sets staff-position to +4 and \voiceTwo sets it to -4. So, to merge the
>  rests from
>  two separate voices, just set the staff-position to the same value so
>  that they
>  will be printed on top of each other. What I proposed in the cited
>  solution was to
>  use
>  \revert MultiMeasureRest #'staff-position
>  after \voiceOne and \voiceTwo, which reverts the value of the property
>  to the
>  default 0. Of course, you probably still want to keep the raised and
>  lowered
>  positions of full bar rests in measures where the other voice has some music
>  and unfortunately, I don't know any nice automatic solution for that, except
>  for using the \partcombine function, which is known to have several other
>  limitations and bugs.

Full bar rests are the biggest issue. It looks like this is the answer I need.

>  For ordinary rests and notes, the collision handling in LilyPond is much
>  more
>  advanced meaning that it works much better by default, but that it also
>  might
>  be more difficult to understand how to tweak it in the cases where the
>  default
>  doesn't give a satisfactory result.

The individual tweaks always need specific attention. That is just the
way music is. Exceptional cases everywhere and then composers invent
new ones! That said, it looks like these tweaks will not be that
difficult to work through.

Arvid's solutions in the next post looks interesting and I'll give it
a try and  see what happens.

Thanks for the help! And since this is scheduled to be made part of
the documentation I'm happy :)

David Fedoruk
B.Mus. UBC,1986
Certificate in Internet Systems Administration, UBC, 2003

"Music is enough for one's life time, but one life time is not enough
for music" Sergei Rachmaninov

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