> (I'm not sure if one can extend this last one in LilyPond to more complex
> examples, like when the numerator is an additive expression, and the
> denominator is a single digit, e.g. (3+2+3)/8.)

I was mistaken ... it *is* possible to extend the syntax (which seems
completely reasonable, in retrospect).  I've borrowed (and stretched) the
compound-time-signature snippet as follows:

\version "2.10.33"
#(define (compound-time grob one two three num)
   (ly:grob-layout grob)
   '(((baseline-skip . 2)
      (word-space . 2)
      (font-family . number)))
    #:line ( #:column (one) "+" #:column (two num) "+" #:column (three)))))

\relative {
  %% compound time signature hack
  \time 8/8
  \override Staff.TimeSignature  #'stencil
  = #(lambda (grob) (compound-time grob "3" "2" "3" "8"))
  #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 8 8) 3 8)
  c8 c c f f d d bes g c c f d c f e

\layout {
    \context {
        \consists "Measure_grouping_engraver"

It isn't quite right -- the measure grouping should be 3+2+3, not 3+3+2,
which I attribute to my perfunctory reading of the section on overriding the
auto-beam setting -- but I'm positively gobsmacked at how close it is.  If I
manually beamed what I wanted (instead of trying to have LilyPond do it for
me), Lily would do it exactly as I expected it.

Does this qualify to be added to the compound-time snippet?
And if so, am I the one who's supposed to add it?


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Description: Binary data

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