On 2008/02/28 1:30 AM, "Mats Bengtsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kurt Kroon wrote:
>> \version "2.10.33"
>> #(define (compound-time grob one two three num)
>>   (interpret-markup
>>    (ly:grob-layout grob)
>>    '(((baseline-skip . 2)
>>       (word-space . 2)
>>       (font-family . number)))
>>    (markup
>>     #:line ( #:column (one) "+" #:column (two num) "+" #:column (three)))))
> Where did you get inspiration to this solution?

I found in the Tips and Tricks for the current stable version:

Then I:
* Added three to the compound-time define block (list?);
* Removed "#:lower 1" (which I correctly interpreted to mean "move this
markup down one staff space") because I wanted the + signs to be in the
numerator; and
* Took a chance that LilyPond wouldn't cough or die when it encountered the
missing "num" in the "denominators" (yes, I know they aren't true fractions,
but whatever) of the first and third time signatures.

Not only did Lily neither cough nor die, she didn't even blink -- 0 errors,
0 warnings.

> The examples I can find in
> LSR and the manual, all set stencil to #ly:text-interface::print and make
> an appropriate markup which they assign to the text property.
> I hope you have seen http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Snippet?id=192
> for example.

Had I known it existed, I probably wouldn't have looked elsewhere for
inspiration ... though I probably would have ground my teeth for all those
eights in the "denominators"

> Even though your solution is very elegant if you know
> what you're doing,

You're too kind -- but the credit belongs with the creator of the Tip that I
mangled ... err ... adapted to my purpose.

> I think the type of solution currently found in
> LSR and documentation may be easier to understand and also easier
> to generalize to other situations where you want to override the default
> layout of a grob.

Most likely, yes.

> Try:
>   #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 8 8) 3 8)
>   #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 8 8) 5 8)
>   \set Staff.beatGrouping = #'(3 2 3)

Thank you, that worked like a charm!

> ...
> On the other hand, don't hesitate in general to add new snippets in LSR,
> that's the whole point of LSR.



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