>  Is it possible in a piano (grand-staff) score to create a grace-note figures
>  such that:
>  1. the figure consists of 4 notes in the bass staff (beamed as small 8th 
> notes)
>  2. the second note of the figure synchronizes with the same pitch on beat 1 
> of
>  the treble staff.
>  3. this second note is cross-staff beamed to the note in the treble staff

I'm not sure which notes are grace and which are not. The problem is
interesting *think* i'm encountering a similar one, but you haven't
given me enough information to tell.

>  Essentially this is a sort of "arabesque" figure in which a chief melodic 
> note
>  (here, the beat-1 note of the treble staff) is ornamented by a grace-like 
> figure
>  beginning one pitch before the chief (treble-staff) note and finishing 2 
> pitches
>  later.

Sometimes what looks complex turns out to have a simple solution.


David Fedoruk
B.Mus. UBC,1986
Certificate in Internet Systems Administration, UBC, 2003

"Music is enough for one's life time, but one life time is not enough
for music" Sergei Rachmaninov

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