David Fedoruk <david.fedoruk <at> gmail.com> writes:

> I'm not sure which notes are grace and which are not. The problem is
> interesting *think* i'm encountering a similar one, but you haven't
> given me enough information to tell.

All the left-hand (bass clef) pitches will look like grace notes. The right hand
pitch in the treble clef is a normal (and hence normal-sized) note. This all
unfolds in one measure of 3/8 time, with the pitches as follows:

Right hand: D#4 (i.e. just above middle C), dotted quarter-note
Left hand: D2 - D#4 - C#3 - F#3 G3 (dyad), all grace notes. (The second grace
note coincides with the main note in the right hand.)

I'm using standard pitch notation, where the digit after the pitch-class name
denotes the octave, i.e. not pitch-registral designations as would be given in
Lilypond – those could be converted easily enough. The main issue is how one
makes the second of the group of grace notes coincide with the right-hand pitch.
This also requires cross-staff beaming with the grace notes, and a
double-stemmed notehead on the D#4.

I have found a post on a similar topic, dealing with "synchronizing" grace and
normal notes between staves, but it only references synchronizing the first
grace of the figure with the normal note, and there is no cross-staff beaming of
the graces.


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