
I uploaded here the .jpg file (from the PDF) that was created by lilypond
here:  http://zgurgel.110mb.com/op28.jpg op28.jpg 

As you can see, the first situation (dot above the slur), is illustrated by
marks in "red", and the second one(distance between dots and notes), in

Sorry for my bad english!

Here is the code: 

\version "2.11.41"

#(set-default-paper-size "a4")
% \markup { \dynamic \small p \small \italic grazioso }
% pg = #(make-dynamic-script "p grazioso")
  line-width = 19\cm

\header {
title = "Thème et Variations"
subtitle = \markup { \lower #1.0 \small "EN LA MINEUR" }
composer = "NEPOMUCENO, Alberto"
opus = \markup {\italic "Op." "28" }
poet = "A Arthur Napoleão"
 cima = { 

% 1a. linha
<c e>8^\markup{\hspace #-4.0 "Allegretto" }\p(  _\markup{ \italic \small
\halign #-0.6 "grazioso"} \stemDown < gis b>4-.) <gis b>-. \stemNeutral
<c e>8(   \stemDown <gis b>4-.) <gis b>-. \stemNeutral 
8\<\(  <c c'> <d d'> <e e'> <f f'>\! 
\times 2/3 { <g g'>\f <f f'> <e e'>\)}  \override Script #'padding = #1 <e
e'>2\fermata \override Script #'padding = #0 \break

% 2a. linha
<c e>8\p(   \stemDown < gis b>4-.) <gis b>-. \stemNeutral
<c e>8(   \stemDown < gis b>4-.) <gis b>-. \stemNeutral 
8\<\(  <c c'> <d d'> <e e'> <f f'>\! 
\times 2/3 { <g g'>\f <f f'> <e e'>\)} \override Script #'padding = #1 <e
e'>2\fermata \override Script #'padding = #0 \bar "||" \break

% 3a. linha
\bar "|:"  8\p\( <f d f,> \stemDown <e cis e,>4^.\) <e cis e,>^.
<a' f a,>8\( <f d f,> <e cis e,>4^.\) <e cis e,>^.
<g, e g,>8\( <e c e,> <d b d,>4^.\) <d b d,>^.
<g' e g,>8\( <e c e,> <d b d,>4^.\) <d b d,>^.
<ais, cis>8\>( <cis e> 4^•) <gis b>8( \! \break

% 4.a linha

baixo = 
% 1a. linha
<c e>8(   \stemDown < gis b>4-.) <gis b>-. \stemNeutral 
<c e>8(   \stemDown < gis b>4-.) <gis b>-. \stemNeutral 
a8\( b c d e f 
\times 2/3 { g f e\)} \override Script #'padding = #1 e2\fermata \override
Script #'padding = #0 \break

% 2a. linha
<c e>8(   \stemDown < gis b>4-.) <gis b>-. \stemNeutral 
<c e>8(   \stemDown < gis b>4-.) <gis b>-. \stemNeutral 
a8\( b c d e f 
\times 2/3 { g f e\)} \override Script #'padding = #1 e2\fermata \override
Script #'padding = #0 \bar "||" \break

% 3a. linha
\bar "|:" \stemDown <f, a>8\( <d f> <cis e>4^.\) <cis e>^. 
<f a>8\( <d f> <cis e>4^.\) <cis e>^. 
<e g>8\( <c e> 4^.\) ^.
<e g>8\( <c e> 4^.\) ^.
fis''( b,^.) e( \stemNeutral \break

% 4a. linha

 melodia = \new Staff { \relative c'' { \cima } } 
harmonia = \new Staff { \clef bass \time 3/4 \relative c' { \baixo } } 

  \new PianoStaff << \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = "PIANO " \melodia
\harmonia >>

Valentin Villenave wrote:
> 2008/3/6, Zenith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Greetings,
>>  1) Almost all notes the slur is above the dot of staccato, but one note
>> the
>>  dot insist to stay above the slur, is there a way to correct this?
> Can you provide us with an example?
>>  2) on staccato, the distance between the dot and the respective note are
>> not
>>  the same along the music... sometimes que dot are almost touching the
>> head
>>  of the note, may I correct this?
> It depends whether the dots are inside the staff (in which case they
> try to avoid staff-lines) or outside. You have to try with the latest
> version though, as a related bug has just been fixed by Han-Wen:
> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=557
> Cheers,
> Valentin
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> lilypond-user@gnu.org
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