2008/3/7, Zenith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  Hi Valentin (it sound to be an artistic name), =^D

Well, at least, a French one... :(

>  I understood what you said...
>  Thank you for the suggestion about the title, now, it's really good-looking!

You're welcome.

>  well, i just yould like to separate the dots a bit less close to noteheads,
>  but I dont know what to do to change the default offset, may you give me an
>  example?...

The basic override is:
\override Voice.Script #'padding = #1

However, to make it apply to the whole Score, here's what I would do
(but I may be wrong to do so):

\layout {
        \context { \Score
\override Script #'padding = #1


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