Op dinsdag 11 maart 2008, schreef David Fedoruk:
> Hello:
> I am trying to color ornaments based on which of the composer or
> editors suggested them. Setting a variable for each color and
> articulation seems like it should be almost the same as for a simple
> NoteHead. Since the articulation is a property of the note, the
> override should be a simple extension of the ones in the manual. So
> far my best guess based on what I've found in the manual and the list
> archives is this:
> % articulation-type (string)
> color = \override NoteHead.articulation-type "mordent" = #darkred
> Lilypond complains about the "-type"  and also complains about
> "-mordent", so that is not right, but I do not know where to go from
> here.
> Help on this would be appreciated,


try e.g.
  c4-\tweak #'color #red -\prall

best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

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