Yes, I've seen that page and it works for indvidual NoteHeads. I do
not want to colour the note heads, I want to color the ornament
(articulation) over it.

I just do not know how to specify the ornament specifically. I Know
that it is linked to or is a property of the NoteHead, i jut don't
know how to name it.

You can see that I've taken parts of the syntax for individual notes,
but that doesn't get the ornament. Lilypond chokes after
NoteHead.articulation. -type halts the program.

>  > % articulation-type (string)
>  > color = \override NoteHead.articulation-type "mordent" = #darkred
>  >
>  > Lilypond complains about the "-type"  and also complains about
>  > "-mordent", so that is not right, but I do not know where to go from
>  > here.
>  >
>  > Help on this would be appreciated,
>  try e.g.
>  {
>   c4-\tweak #'color #red -\prall
>  }

I have successfully all the notes of one voice, but this did not catch
the ornaments. It was interesting, but not what I wanted


P.S. I just tried the  \tweak solution again and got this error: error: syntax error, unexpected STRING

rhOne = { error: syntax error, unexpected EVENT_IDENTIFIER
        b'8.\tweak #'color #red
                                \mordent[ cs''16 ] d''16[ b' e'' b' ]
fs''8[ b'~ ] b'16[ b' e'' d'' ]                    | % bar 1 error: errors found, ignoring music expression


I believe the problem is that I am not naming the object I'm trying to
color correctly. There is another post about coloring a Cautionary


His problem was that he called the object Voice.Accidental. This is
incorrect, it should be AccidentalCautionary. Thats why i think I'm
naming the object incorrectly.

Cheers again


David Fedoruk
B.Mus. UBC,1986
Certificate in Internet Systems Administration, UBC, 2003
"Music is enough for one's life time, but one life time is not enough
for music" Sergei Rachmaninov
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