Till Rettig wrote
Hi, this would be my suggestion for the ancient section:

8.5 Transcription of ancient music

5.1 using the same source for the original and the transcription [Here
among others the snippets about reducing note length]

5.2 Incipits and Mensurstriche-layout

5.3 Transcription of Gregorian chant

5.4 Musica ficta

5.4.1 Suggested accidentals (new) (2.8.4)

Something like that, please reformulate as you like, I am really bad in
creating headings.

Many thanks.  I've changed your suggestion slightly to:

2.8.5 Transcribing ancient music (new)
       .1 using the same source for the original and the transcription
           [Here among others the snippets about reducing note length]
       .2 Incipits and Mensurstriche-layout (new)
           (lsr and -user)
       .3 Transcribing Gregorian chant (new)
           (extract from
       .4 Musica ficta accidentals

There aren't enough levels to go to for your "Suggested sccidentals", so I put them all at one level, as they are now in 2.8.4.

I don't understand what the heading to means, so I've not been able to come up with a better one. Can you please explain? Would it mean "Transcribing verbatim"?

Trevor D

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