Trevor Daniels schrieb:
Thanks Till

Would "Ancient and modern from one source" cover it. I can't think of anything shorter.
I am fine with that one.

Anyone else any better suggestions?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Till Rettig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Trevor Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: GDP: Reorganisation of NR 2 - Final call for comments

Trevor Daniels schrieb:

Till Rettig wrote
Hi, this would be my suggestion for the ancient section:

8.5 Transcription of ancient music

5.1 using the same source for the original and the transcription [Here
among others the snippets about reducing note length]

5.2 Incipits and Mensurstriche-layout

5.3 Transcription of Gregorian chant

5.4 Musica ficta

5.4.1 Suggested accidentals (new) (2.8.4)

Something like that, please reformulate as you like, I am really bad in
creating headings.

Many thanks.  I've changed your suggestion slightly to:

2.8.5 Transcribing ancient music (new)
       .1 using the same source for the original and the transcription
           [Here among others the snippets about reducing note length]
       .2 Incipits and Mensurstriche-layout (new)
           (lsr and -user)
       .3 Transcribing Gregorian chant (new)
           (extract from
       .4 Musica ficta accidentals

There aren't enough levels to go to for your "Suggested sccidentals", so I put them all at one level, as they are now in 2.8.4.
Sorry for replying so late, I just now read the last part of your message... Yes, I just copied from your suggestion, maybe I mixed the levels. I was also wondering that there are too much levels...

I don't understand what the heading to means, so I've not been able to come up with a better one. Can you please explain? Would it mean "Transcribing verbatim"?
Ok, I mean: You write the notes only one time, and from the same notes you can print the mensural notation (as a copy of the original score) by modifying the shapes of the notes and so on, then you would from still the same notes print also the score in modern notation (possibly the first version is not a score but only parts for each voice, the modern score then is a normal choral score).

See for an example by Carl Hammar (here he did the parts as well as a score in mensural notation and then as the last piece the same notes as a modern score.)

Hope you can make up a good sectioning title if this is accepted for the NR.


Trevor D

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