On 17 May 2008, at 22:15, Karl Hammar wrote:

A startup file would be about the same as an initial \include.

Perhaps it is not needed in a compiler.

I would be nice to be able to do like

  lilypond a.ly .. o.ly z.ly

i.e. treat a.ly .. o.ly as if they where included in z.ly, without
having to say so in z.ly.

This would walk down the path of C-like compilers.

Have you checked out Haskell <http://haskell.org/> and the compiler GHC? - Haskell has a module system, which makes it possible for GHC to compile by
  ghc --make a.hs
where "a.hs" is a file containing a "main" function. By the module system, it is possible to deduce what files to include. One then only needs to set the library paths somewhere.

Convenient, though perhaps far from current Lilypond.


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