There is ly:option or something that makes command line options settable from the LilyPond file. Also .lilypond is a good idea, it should work as but from the user's home dir.

Hans Aberg írta:
On 17 May 2008, at 16:48, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

I think the proper solution is to softcode this, so
we can have a -dmidi-extension=mid, ...

Any takers for this?

In addition, one might be able to put it into the .ly file. If both options (startup and within file) are invoked, it is safest to generate an error - it is tricky to debug when done in errors.

On UNIX system, one might have a startup file $HOME/.lilypond defining such options. Then the startup arguments (and .ly files) should have precedence over this file, I think.

  Hans Åberg

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