Okay, I´ll try to play around with different versions. In the current
case that´s not such a problem for me, because there are some chants I
have to produce NOW and they have to look good. After that I probably
won´t use gregorian chant that soon.


2008/8/12 Kurt Kroon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 2008/08/11 11:13 AM, "Dominic Neumann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Thanks Kurt! I already solved some problems, for example by using
>> \finalis, \divisioMinima and so on.
>> The main remaining problem is the bad positioning of notes and lyrics
>> when two or more noteheads are nearly in one place. After these places
>> is too much space until the next notehead is printed.
>> Now I updated from 2.11.44 to 2.11.55 hoping that it helps. But the output of
>> http://kainhofer.com/~lilypond/Documentation/user/lilypond/Ancient-notation.ht
>> ml
>> looks other than online. Online there are not those ugly spaces, but
>> on my system there are. [It´s Windows XP Pro, LilyPond version
>> 2.11.55]
>> (see attachment for this).
>> Any ideas?
> It appears to have happened sometime between versions 2.11.51 (when the
> online output was generated) and 2.11.55 (the most current development
> version).  I'm getting similar results on Mac OS X (10.4), using the same
> dev version.
> This cycle of progress-regress is tiresome but to be expected since we're
> working with a development version of the program.  Ancient notation -- and
> Gregorian-type chant in particular -- has been neglected for quite some
> time, so even the modest advances that I've seen since version 2.8 (or so)
> are refreshing.
> You may also consider downgrading to the current stable version, 2.10.33.  I
> have attached an example of that version's output.  (Assuming that you *can*
> downgrade: it works fine on my Macintosh, but I can't test on WinXP.  The
> only computer available to me that runs Windows XP is my work computer, and
> my employer (the State of California) penalizes inappropriate personal use
> of State property.)
> I'm sorry that I can't offer better help -- but I'm kind of stuck in the
> same situation as you, hoping that LilyPond's output doesn't regress too
> much.  Maybe some of the gurus on this list (who have more experience with
> spacing issues) can help us out ...?
> Kurtis
> PS: There's always Grégoire (http://gregoire.tele.free.fr/) -- but it's even
> older than LilyPond (even though it was purpose-built for producing
> Gregorian chant).  It doesn't have a layout engine; you integrate the
> results into your favorite word processor / DTP program.

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