To add more lines of lyrics easily add another \addlyrics { ... }
after the first.
It doesn´t matter if there´s a repeat in the notes - LilyPond typesets
the lyrics as you see them on the paper.

Hope this helps


2008/8/31 Grammostola Rosea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I want to add lyrics to a song with a repeat in it. So part one of the song
> is repeated ones and I want to add lyrics on both parts.
> Here's my score, with lyrics only for the first part yet...
> global = {
>  \key f \major
>  \tempo 4=76
>  \time 4/4
> }
> chordNames = \chordmode {
>  \global
>  f2 a:m d1:m bes2 f c1:7
>  bes2 c:7 d:m g:m f c:7 f1
>  a2:m e:7 a:m e:7
>  a:m e:7 a:m d:7 g:m c:7 f a:m
>  d1:m bes2 f c1:7 bes2 c:7
>  d:m g:m f c:7 f1
> }
> melody = \relative c' {
>  \global
>  % Music follows here.
> \repeat volta 2 {f2 c'| f,2. \times 2/3 {r8 g a} | bes2 a | g r4 \times 2/3
> {r4 c,8} |
> d2 e | f \times 2/3 {g4 a bes} | a2 g | f r |}
>  e8. a16 c8. e16 d2 |  e,8. a16 c8. e16 d2 |  e,8. a16 c8. e16 d2 |
>  c8 c4.~c8. a16 c8. a16| bes2 r | f c' |
>  f,2. g8. a16| bes2 a | g r4 \times 2/3 { r4 c,8} | d2 e |
>  f \times 2/3 { g4 a bes} | a2 g | f2 r2
> }
> verse = \lyricmode {
>  % Lyrics follow here.
>  Wise men say on -- ly fools rush in, But I can't help fall -- ing
>  in love with you. Like a riv -- er flows sure -- ly to the sea, Dar -- ling
>  so it goes Some -- things__ are meant to be. Take my hand. take my whole
>  life too. For I can't help fall -- ing in love with you.
> }
> drum = \drummode {
>  \global
>  % Drums follow here.
>  \repeat unfold 84 { \times 2/3 {<hhc hhp>8 hhp <hhc hhp>}
> }
> }
> \score {
>  <<
>   \new ChordNames \chordNames
>   \new Staff { \melody } \addlyrics { \verse }
>   \new DrumStaff \drum
>  >>
>  \layout { }
>  \midi { }
> }
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