Grammostola Rosea wrote:
Dominic Neumann wrote:
There was a similar question some days ago. Do the answers help you?


2008/9/1 Grammostola Rosea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Grammostola Rosea wrote:
Joseph Haig wrote:
You want to add:

versetwo = \lyricmode {
 % Second line of words here

and then later, where you have:

\new Staff { \melody } \addlyrics { \verse }

you want:

\new Staff { \melody }
\addlyrics { \verse }
\addlyrics { \versetwo }

Note that the lyrics are not part of the staff, but are a separate
line in themselves so you can have as many of them as you want.

Hope this helps,


Yes, that helps! Thanks!

And I want to repeat on another part (chorus) in the song, but it should not go back to the first beginning (verses) but to the beginning of the chorus.
So I want to use D.S. repeat the chorus and after that start with another part (skip one bar of
the chorus)..

|b             |              |            go to c|       go back to b
(D.S.)|  ...  |c           |         |

How will I do this in Lilypond?

Isn't there a D.S. al Coda feature in Lilypond?

'D.S. al Coda instructs the musician to repeat back to the sign, and when Al Coda or To Coda is reached jump to the Coda symbol. '

Cosa symbol >


mmmh I have it now like this, but the D.S. must be on the end of the bar (after the rest) and not on the beginning. And it would be nice if there is a white space between DS and the second coda sign (which is now not displayed..., before f2. )

\version "2.11.53"

\include ""
\header {
 title = "Can't Help Falling In Love"
 composer = "Elvis Presley"

global = {
 \key f \major
 \tempo 4=76
 \time 4/4

chordNames = \chordmode {
 f2 a:m d1:m bes2 f c1:7
 bes2 c:7 d:m g:m f c:7 f1
 a2:m e:7 a:m e:7
 a:m e:7 a:m d:7 g:m c:7 f a:m
 d1:m bes2 f c1:7 bes2 c:7
 d:m g:m f c:7 f1


melodyone = \relative c' {
 % Music follows here.
\repeat volta 2 {f2 c'| f,2. \times 2/3 {r8 g a} | bes2 a | g r4 \times 2/3 {r4 c,8} |
d2 e | f \times 2/3 {g4 a bes} | a2 g | f r |}
\mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.segno" } {e8. a16 c8. e16 d2 | e,8. a16 c8. e16 d2 | e,8. a16 c8. e16 d2 |
 c8 c4.~c8. a16 c8. a16| bes2 r | f c' |
 f,2. g8. a16| bes2 a | g r4 \times 2/3 { r4 c,8} | d2 e |
f \times 2/3 { g4 a bes} | a2 g} {\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'font-size = #4
   \mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.coda" } | f2 r2 \mark \markup{
   \line { "D.S. " \tiny \raise #1 \musicglyph #"scripts.segno" }
} } \bar "|."

\once \override Staff.KeySignature #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
  \once \override Staff.Clef #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
  %\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'font-size = #4
   \mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.coda" }
f2. \times 2/3 {r4 c8} d2 e f \times 2/3 g4 a bes | a2 g | f1 \fermata \bar "|."

verseone = \lyricmode {
 % Lyrics follow here.
Wise men say on -- ly fools rush in, But I can't help fall -- ing in love with you. Like a riv -- er flows sure -- ly to the sea, Dar -- ling
 so it goes Some -- things__ are meant to be. Take my hand. take my whole
 life too. For I can't help fall -- ing in love with you.
versetwo = \lyricmode {
Shall I stay? Would it be a sin if I cant' help fall -- ing in love with you.


versethree = \lyricmode {
   you. For I can't help fall -- ing in love with you.
drum = \drummode {
 % Drums follow here.
 \repeat unfold 84 { \times 2/3 {<hhc hhp>8 hhp <hhc hhp>8}

\score {
   \new ChordNames \chordNames
   \new Staff { \melodyone }
   \addlyrics { \verseone }
   \addlyrics { \versetwo }
   \new DrumStaff \drum
 \layout { }
 \midi { }

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