James E. Bailey wrote:

Am 03.09.2008 um 12:01 schrieb Grammostola Rosea:

Grammostola Rosea wrote:
Robin Bannister wrote:
Grammostola Rosea wrote:
Question 2) still remains....

There will be other problems like this in the bars to come, each needing a special effort to overcome, usually in an unsatisfactory way. This is because you are trying to put overlapping durations into a single voice.
Try starting again, but this time using several voices.
A clear example of doing this for guitar was quoted [1] here recently. See, for example, how the bass line keeps sounding while other notes are being plucked. And it shows that you needn't stop at bass/middle/top; you even can put other things (like dynamics) into separate voices.
The things for overlapping durations, e.g.
- tieWaitForNote
- the polyphonic construct << ... \\ ... >>
- laisserVibrer
are still available of course. But if you have sufficient voices you will rarely need them. There are occasionally new problems to do with coordination between the several voices but these are a lot easier to solve. [1] http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2008-08/msg01197.html

Thanks a lot! I'll dive into the multiple voices stuff...

I made an quick start with it, check the last entry of Signe: http://draft.wikilily.org/wiki/index.php/Signe

I think I've to read more about it, but I don't understand why the notation and tablature doesn't match right in the last entry of Signe here: http://draft.wikilily.org/wiki/index.php/Signe

I don't know what your goal with \tag #'restnotes or \tag #'bassnotes, but if you remove those (and the references to them) you should get the output you're looking for.

Ah ok, nice.
I just edited an example template, so I don't know all the commands yet...

But it is good to see that something is possible with Lilypond and tablature... although there is no special signs support like bends, slides etc.

I'll go further exploring, thank for your support!

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