Grammostola Rosea wrote:
Grammostola Rosea wrote:
James E. Bailey wrote:

Am 06.09.2008 um 14:46 schrieb Grammostola Rosea:

Ok, I'm learning and get more happy with the results :)

Below this message there's my code. I've three questions about it.

1) Is is possible to have tablature without durations of the notes displayed in the tablature part?
I'm guessing you mean the dots? It would probably be easiest to remove them. You'll want to look at <>
and probably <>

I also want to display notes with a slur in the notation as one entry in the tablature (no slur, no entry for the second note (in the notation connected with a slur).
If you want to have different note values, then you need to enter them as different parts. So something that's a4.~ a4 in the actual notes is represented as a4. s4 in the tablature? Here is where \tag would be useful. <>

Would be nice if an experienced lilypond user could help me with the two question/ problems stated above^

It's a bridge to far for me at the moment...


Anyone please?


Here is my score:

\header {
title = "Signe"
%arranger = "Eric Clapton"
instrument = "Words and Music by Eric Clapton"

%#(set-paper-size "letter")
%#(define bottom-margin (* 2 cm))

chordNames = \chordmode {
\time 4/4
 \partial 8
 a4. e2:/a a2
   r8 e2:/a
 a4. e2:/a a2
 r8 e2:/a
 a4. e2:/a a2
 r8 e2:/a a4. e2:/a  a1
 a2 r8 b4.:/a e2:/gis
 fis 2 b1:m7
 e1 a1


uI = {
 \partial 8
r8 | <a cis'>4. <gis b>8 ~ <gis b> <\parenthesize b e'>4 <a cis'>8 ~<a cis'> <cis' e'>4. <gis b>2 | <a cis'>4 <\parenthesize cis' e'>8 <gis b> ~ <gis b> <\parenthesize b e'>4 <a cis'>8

~ <a cis'>8 <cis' e'>4. <gis b>2 | <a cis'>4 <\parenthesize cis' e'>8 <gis b> ~ <gis b> <\parenthesize b e'>4 <a cis'>8
 ~ <a cis'> < cis' e'>4. <gis b>2 |

<a cis'>4 <\parenthesize cis' e'>8 <gis b>8 ~ <gis b> <\parenthesize b e'>4 <\parenthesize e a cis'>8-> r4^ "N.C." r8 e8 gis8 a b <\parenthesize e a cis'> ~ <\parenthesize e a cis'> <cis' e'>4 r8 <\parenthesize fis b dis'>8 e'4 <b e'>8 ~ <b e'> <e'gis'>4 r8 \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #0 \acciaccatura { a8 } ais8 cis'4 <\parenthesize fis a d'>8 ~ <\parenthesize fis a d'> <b fis'>4 r8 <a d'>8 ~ <a cis'>4 <\parenthesize e gis b> 8 ~ <\parenthesize e gis b> <b e'>4 r8 d'\glissando ( cis') b <\parenthesize e a cis'> r2 <e a cis' a'>2\arpeggio

dI = {
 \partial 8
a,8 ~ a,4 a,4 ~ a,4. a,8~a,4. a,8~a,4 \parenthesize e,8\parenthesize e,8 a,4. a,8 ~ a,4. a,8 ~
 a,4. a,8 ~ a,2 a,4. a,8 ~ a,4. a,8 ~ a,4. a,8 ~ a,2
a,4. a,8 ~ a,4. a,8 r2 r4 r8 a,8 ~ a,4. a,8 ~ a,4. -\markup {T on 6 ------|} \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #4 gis,8\6 ~ gis,4.\6 \set TabStaff.minimumFret = #0 fis,8 ~ fis,4. b,8 ~
 b,4. b,8 ~ b,4. e,8 ~ e,4. e,8 ~ e,4. a,8 r2 a,2_\mf

Notation = \simultaneous { %% Combine both parts for notation
\time 4/4
\clef "G_8"
\key a \major
\override Score.MetronomeMark #'padding = #6.0 \tempo 4=176
\override StringNumber #'self-alignment-Y = #-1
\override Score.StringNumber #'padding = #3.5
\set fingeringOrientations = #'(up left down)
<< \context Voice=VoiceA \uI >>
<< \context Voice=VoiceB  \dI >>

Tablature = \simultaneous { %% Combine both parts for Tablature
\time 4/4
\override TabStaff.Stem #'transparent = ##t %% Makes stems transparent
\override TabStaff.Beam #'transparent = ##t %% Makes beams transparent

<< \context TabVoice=TabVoiceA \uI >>
<< \context TabVoice=TabVoiceB
 \dI >>

\score {

\new ChordNames { \chordNames }

 \context StaffGroup {
    \simultaneous {
<< \context Staff=FullNotation \Notation >>

<< \context TabStaff=FullTab \Tablature >>


\midi {


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