For the examples, you may want to use some of the "Inspirational headwords" from the latest version of the manual, i.e. the examples at the top of each (well, at least most) section of chapters 1 and 2 in


Cameron Horsburgh wrote:
Hi folks,

Next weekend I'll be attending a composing workshop organised by my
church. One of the sessions will cover the relevant software. It seems
the facilitator is going to be showing off Finale and Sibelius, but he
seems willing for me to do a very brief presentation on LilyPond. I'm
not familiar with either of those programs, and I don't want to be
drawing direct comparisons with them---I'd prefer to simply let it
speak for itself. So I'm looking for several things.

1) What does LilyPond do well?

(I already have that the default output is far better than the
equivalent in most software I've seen, and it is very quick once the
basics are mastered. I'll also mention the integration with
OpenOffice, HTML and LaTeX.)

2) What doesn't it do as well?

(Lily is very difficult to use at first).

Any other suggestions?

I'd also appreciate it if anyone had files I could use that show off
some of the more interesting features of LilyPond. I'll produce some
printed examples, and if people start scratching their heads trying to
work out how I did something, I'll have done my job ;-).

Thanks folks,

        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        School of Electrical Engineering
        Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
       Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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