> 3) When writing a song with lyrics, for instance a Christmas carol, 
> there a alot of additional verses. I read " Printing stanzas at 
> the end" on 
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.10/Documentation/user/lilypond-big-page#Vocal-music,
> but that a) seems cumbersome 

I'll bet if someone with enough scheme is interested they could make an easier
way that would arrange any number or length of verses nicely.

>b) doesn't seem to allow spacing between 

Here's what I've done for columns and spacing. I think I got from Geoff
Horton's tips page. The trick is that the space goes on the outside of
the verses, to push them together, since \fill-line pushes elements to
the extremes of the line.  Another horizontal line is another
\markup\fill-line{} block, so you have to arrange your "columns"
accordingly. And once you have more rows than I have here you might
also need an \hspace between the column elements to keep things even.

\markup \fill-line {
 \hspace #1 %to keep the verse from going flush-left
        \line { "2. "
        \column { "A land of deepest shade," 
                "   Unpierced by human thought;"
                "The dreary regions of the dead,"
                "   Where all things are forgot!"

% you might want \hspace here,too if you have more rows.

        \line{ "3. " 
      \column { "Soon as from earth I go," 
                "   What will become of me?" 
                "Eternal happiness or woe"
                "   Must then my portion be."

\hspace #1 %to keep the verse from going flush-right


\markup { " " } % vertical space between verses.

%There are an odd number of extra verses, so this one's centered

\markup \fill-line {
        \line { "4. "
        \column { "Waked by the trumpet sound"
                "   I from my grave shall rise;"
                "And see the Judge with glory crowned"
                "   And see the flaming skies!"

> If the lines are too long it should be printed like this (centered):
> 2. this is verse two
>     with a looong line
> 3. this is verse three
>     with a looong line

See verse 4 above, and just keep adding \line{\column blocks.

Or maybe even without the \line{ ... ??
As long as it's inside \fill-line, it will be centered.

Пантелеимонъ, монахъ
+ + + + + + + + + +
Господи Їисусе
Хрïсте, помилуй
мѧ грѣшнаго.
+ + + + + + + + + +

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