So even though I am using 2.10.33 (latest stable I believe) I should be looking at the 2.11 docs?

Graham Percival wrote:
Ah, I see the problem.  You were looking at the 2.10 docs, which
are approximately a thousand hours older than the 2.11 docs.  As
you might expect from 1,000 hours of work, the 2.11 docs are much
easier to read.

- Graham

On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 10:38:07PM -0700, chip wrote:
   I have read the bloody manuals, all of them. I finally found the part I
   need in the part I skipped over because it didn't apply to my work - 3.4
   An Orchestral Part. I found the code I needed to see by clicking on the
   picture of the score fragment, then I saw that the \transpose was in front
   of the \relative bit. That's all I needed to know, was where to put that
   bloody \transpose. I have yet to find anything anywhere in the docs that
   actually says to do that. In plain print, without having to look at the
   code behind the example fragment. Guess I just don't read between the
   lines enough, or don't make enough assumptions, or am just not experienced
   enough like all you experts who already know it all and don't have to dig
   through 3 or more manuals/references/tutorials/snippets libraries to try
   to figure out something so simple.
   Thanks for pointing me to the correct reference, even though you didn't
   need to be so bloody rude about it.

   Graham Percival wrote:

 On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 10:04:47PM -0700, chip wrote:
 caused by this code -
 ... lots of stuff in the copy/pasted section below ...
 \bar "|."
     \score {
        \new Staff \notes
 \transpose c es, { \relative c' { \clef "bass" \notes } }
        \layout { indent = #0 }
        \midi {}
 Read the bloody tutorial and LM 3.  Particularly the "syntax of a
 lilypond file".

 Particularly^2, the "a \score contains a single music expression"

 - Graham

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