Am 08.12.2008 um 19:06 schrieb Trevor Bača:

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 7:06 AM, james <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: After much searching, I found it. Fontbook installs user-installed fonts to a directory that isn't indexed by fontconfig ~/Library/ Fonts. After I realised that, I knew to tell fontbook to install my fonts system-wide, apparently, osx doesn't use ~/.fonts/ which fontconfig does index.

Hi James,

Glad everything worked out. I've had to solve this same problem a couple of times under OS X 10.4 myself. The post here ... msg00087.html

... basically says "you can copy stuff to ~./fonts" to solve the problem. A better solution is just sym linking, which Han-Wen points out later in the thread.

Since I already have a solution that works for me, the question is pure curiosity, but what's better about sym linking? And is that better than telling fontbook to install fonts system-wide, or better than copying fonts to ~/.fonts/ or both?
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