At 01:44 on 10 Dec 2008, Pascal wrote:
> This is my first post to improve my experience with this wonderful
> tool.

Welcome to Lilypond! (more below)
> Here is the problem : i use 'repeat percent' feature but i'd like to
> change a note on 2nd and following measures. Not clear ? To avoid
> losing your time here is a picture of what a get :
> (this is
> with drum but could be with other instruments)
> - 1st line : basic look without trick
> - 2nd line : with the trick to have what i want : i WANT the percents
> but since first note of first measure is an "exception", i want to
> restore the "normal"value. 
> My trick is by using a "break" voice, and inserting my note here
> instead of a"skip". 
> This works excepted for the visual look : you can see that width of
> measures isreally changed and the look is bad. 
> - How can I keep / force the width of the percent measure ? 
> - Besides, if there is a cleaner way to insert the note instead of
> using another voice, i take it :)

Your approach seems right  - I don't know of a way to force measure
width. You can fine-tune it by adjusting the scaled duration of the
single hh8. Try these in drumContentsBreak and notice the variation:

    s1 { hh8*8 } s1 \noBreak s1 \break
    s1 { hh8*4 s2 } s1 \noBreak s1 \break
    s1 { hh8*6 s4 } s1 \noBreak s1 \break

The last one seems about right to me. HTH,


Mark Knoop

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