On 1/13/09 3:10 AM, "Nick Payne" <nick.pa...@internode.on.net> wrote:

> BTW, extra-offset is not documented as one of the slur settings in the
> Internals Reference. I found it in a couple of snippets in the repository.

Actually, it is.  If you go to the Slurs page in the Internals Reference,
you will see that there are three different interfaces to slurs:
spanner-interface, slur-interface, and grob-interface.

grob-interface lists the extra-offset property.  This means that
extra-offset applies to Slurs.

> There also seem to be inconsistencies or omissions in the documentation ­ eg
>  the PhrasingSlur #¹positions property is given as an example in the Learning
> Manual but is not mentioned as one of the PhrasingSlur settings in the
> Internals Reference.

Again, going to the PhrasingSlur page in the Internals Reference (3.1.78), a
PhrasingSlur has the same three interfaces as a Slur.  Clicking on the
slur-interface link, you find that the positions property is part of the
slur-interface, and thus applies to both PhrasingSlurs and Slurs.

I'm pointing this out, because it can be a bit daunting getting used to the
Internals Reference.  It's easy to not know how to use it.



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