when I move the brace:
\version "2.12.1"

 \mark \markup { \rounded-box
   \small \concat { 4' 33'' }
 } c'2

it works


Am 24.01.2009 um 11:31 schrieb James E. Bailey:

That's odd, there are extra spaces in there too. What if you try just copying and pasting in the ′ and ″ characters? Or what about using \char ##x2032? Does that help?
Am 24.01.2009 um 11:04 schrieb Ole Schmidt:

when I compile your example, it comes out like this (see pdf), why??
I'am on Mac OS 10.5.6 using the latest Lilypond...

<Bild 1.jpg>


Am 23.01.2009 um 23:59 schrieb Mark Polesky:

James E. Bailey wrote:

Wow, that took me a minute to figure out. The quotes around 33" are
the problem. That makes it separate text. Putting the quotes around
the entire time fixes it.
  \mark \markup \rounded-box {
     \small {
  } c'2

Might as well use the proper characters for minutes and seconds...

- Mark


\version "2.12.1"

min =
\markup {
%% 2032 = PRIME
#(ly:export (format "~a" (ly:wide-char->utf-8 #x2032)))
sec =
\markup {
%% 2033 = DOUBLE PRIME
#(ly:export (format "~a" (ly:wide-char->utf-8 #x2033)))

\mark \markup \rounded-box {
  \small \concat { 4 \min 33 \sec }
} c'2

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