Don't forget you can store all the formatting as a music-function:

timestamp =
#(define-music-function (parser location minutes seconds) (number? number?)
   (let ((min (number->string minutes)) (sec (number->string seconds)))
    #{ \mark \markup \rounded-box \small \concat { $min ′ $sec ″ } #}))
{ c'1 \timestamp #4 #33 c' }

And solely out of paranoia, here's a version that doesn't rely on
the special utf-8 characters -- in case my prime and double-prime
characters above get corrupted on the way to your mailbox/browser:

timestamp =
#(define-music-function (parser location minutes seconds) (number? number?)
   (let ((min (number->string minutes)) (sec (number->string seconds)))
    #{ \mark \markup \rounded-box \small \concat
        { $min \char ##x2032 $sec \char ##x2033 } #}))

{ c'1 \timestamp #4 #33 c' }

- Mark

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