Hi All,

some time ago Neil Puttock helped me out to create a function that returns 
different notehead-stencils depending on the duration-log.

Now I was wondering if this procedure could be somehow integrated in a custom 
drumstyle-table but just using the functions-name in the style-field won't 
work, e.g. (snare parallelogram #5 0).
Then I tried to figure out more about the standard settings which can be used 
here, i.e. cross, diamond, xcircle, slash, etc. but everything I found out by 
means of \displayMusic and (display)-scheme internally resulted that all those 
definitions are lists if am not mistaken ( 'cross or (quote cross) is list, 
isn't it?).
Well, after this way turned to be a dead end I tried to search all files of the 
installation on more information on these defintions but didn't find any. Not 
even somewhere in the source I could find those.

I don't know what else I can do to find out how this works internally on my own 
and if what I want to do is actually possible, so any help here is greatly 


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