-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Mon, 9 Feb 2009 11:26:19 -0700
> Von: "Carl D. Sorensen" <c_soren...@byu.edu>
> An: Tao Cumplido <tao_lilypondu...@gmx.net>, "lilypond-user@gnu.org" 
> <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
> Betreff: Re: custom drumstyle-tables with custom noteheads?

> Let me just address what is going in on with drum style.  'cross,
> 'diamond,
> etc. are 'styles for the note-head-interface of the noteHead object that
> will be created by the Drum_notes_engraver.  They are interpreted by the
> ly:note-head::print routine.  The ly:note-head::print routine is a C++
> routine found in lily/note-head.cc.
> Basically, the routine looks for a given note head style, and uses that to
> print the notes.  You can see the note head styles in appendix B.7 of the
> Notation Reference.

The notehead.cc file is very cryptic for me and I don't see how it could help 
me since I don't see anywhere a definition of 'cross or 'diamond.
Note_head::print is too abstract for me. I don't get how 'cross tells 
ly:note-head:print to print the cross-head stencils from the feta font.

> Since the drumStyleTable uses note styles to set the note heads, if you
> want
> to create your own drumStyleTable, I think you'll need to add a new
> notehead
> style.  And I have no idea how to do that.

Yes, I think so too, but if even you don't know what to do I think I should 
rather drop this problem for now.

Hmm... maybe it is possible to write a function that checks on the position of 
each note in the drumStyle hashtable and override the style accordingly?!

> Again, I'm sorry for my misleading earlier reply.  I thought I knew what
> was
> going on, but I was wrong.  I hope this new answer helps.

Don't worry, your input always gives me some new aspects to think about. ;)

> Please try to send the function separately from the font.  I think that
> some
> users will be very interested in it.

Apparently the sample png I sent along was too big :')
I reduced and sent it again. This it should have gone through.



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