In message <20090319135340.ga2...@nagi>, Graham Percival <> writes
On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 10:03:42PM -0700, Mark Polesky wrote:

I have! At one point I was frustrated by this very issue
and went through my score library with a ruler. Valentin
mentioned "precise" measurements, but to my surprise,
measured values from any one publisher deviated quite a
lot from score to score, sometimes from page to page.

I think that's part of how page turns work out much nicer in
printed manuscripts than by default in LilyPond.  I was
complaining to my brother about how difficult it was to work out
page turns in one particular piece of mine, and he pointed out
that I was probably using the same margins for every page.

A priori, I would say that changing margins are **not** a good
idea... but since professional typesetters do it, and I never
noticed myself in 25 years of music-playing, I have to admit that
maybe it's a good idea.

I would add to that, as someone who uses lilypond mostly for *parts*, not *scores*, that for me page turns are VERY expensive and if tampering with the margins makes it easy to reduce/eliminate turns, I'd be very happy ...

Anthony W. Youngman -

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