Am 15.05.2009, 22:05 Uhr, schrieb Helge Kruse <>:

I have found a problem with jEdit (probably LilypondTool). I just write a .ly source that contains the word "Pincé". I saved the file yesterday. Today I wanted to continue and see that this word has been changed to "Pincé". That's a bit annoying. The "Pincé" is a playing instruction Do you know a way to save the spelling of it? Since it appears at several places, it's not easy to fix it every time I re-open the file.

Look at 3.3.3 Text encoding in the Notation Reference. Especially:
...The easiest way to enter such text is by using a Unicode-aware editor
and saving the file with UTF-8 encoding...

in jEdit you can set the default charakter encoding under
        Utilities->Global Options / jEdit / Encodings

or just for the buffer under
        Utilities->Buffer Options: Chakter encoding


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