Yes, setting the Encoding in Global Options to UTF-8 allows saving and re-loading of UTF-8 files. Dunno if this will hit me at any other place, since it's a global option, where I would need it only for files with a specific extension. But I'll wait until I get the problem, if any.


Chip wrote:
Bertalan Fodor wrote:
It might be opened not in UTF-8. See in the lower right corner. You can make sure it is loaded in the correct encoding, by using File > Open with encoding...
I've had the same problem with one file as well - the title of a song is Cariño Nuevo. The ñ gets changed to n everytime. I finally gave up on changing it and just leave it as a regular n. BTW, my files are all opened/saved as UTF-8, everytime, so I thought. After all, in the bottom corner it showed UTF-8. I then went to File/Open/Commands/Encoding, and it always defaulted to Auto and cP1252. I'd change it, but found that I had to do that every time I opened a file. I finally found in Utilities/Global Options/Encodings that that is what the default was set to. I changed it to UTF-8 and now it opens the files correctly.
Helge, maybe that is your issue as well?



Helge Kruse írta:

I have found a problem with jEdit (probably LilypondTool). I just write a .ly source that contains the word "Pincé". I saved the file yesterday. Today I wanted to continue and see that this word has been changed to "Pincé". That's a bit annoying. The "Pincé" is a playing instruction and should be a markup.

Do you know a way to save the spelling of it? Since it appears at several places, it's not easy to fix it every time I re-open the file.


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