In message <>, Carl D. Sorensen <> writes
On 5/15/09 3:06 PM, "Anthony W. Youngman" <>

In message <200905151909580...@1654122929>, David Pounder
<> writes

I don't know if it's worth mentioning, but you can also run into
problems using \repeat inside a \relative block if an \unfoldRepeats is
used outside the block. For example in

Tune = \relative c' { \partial 4 d4 |
   \repeat volta 2 { c4 d e g | }

the first c will be relative to the last g on the second play through
using \unfoldRepeats. Rewriting as

Tune = { \partial 4 d'4 |
   \repeat volta 2 \relative c' { c4 d e g | }

resolves the problem. I try to make sure I keep \relatives at the
innermost block for this reason. Is this a case of programming style,
and should the docs cover it?

Han-Wen gave me a resetOctave function that deals with this. I don't
know if it's made its way into the docs, though.

I just use the octave check construct and ignore the warning.

Example of resetOctave and its use attached ...

\version "2.8.2"

resetOctave  =
    (parser location reference-note)

    ((notes (ly:music-property reference-note 'elements))
     (pitch (ly:music-property (car notes) 'pitch))


    (set! (ly:music-property reference-note 'elements) '())
    (set! (ly:music-property reference-note
       (lambda (music last-pitch)


pennsylvania = \context Voice = pennsylvania {
    \override NoteHead #'style = #'cross
    r2_\markup{ shout } f8. f16 f8. f16 f4 f f8. f16 r4

pennsylvaniaLyrics = \lyricmode { \small { Penn syl van ia six five thou sand } 

voiceTromboneI = \relative c' {

        r2  ef4.-- ef8-> ~ ef1 r2 r4 bf8.->( ef16-.) r2 r4 ef,8. af,16-> ~ |
        af2 c-- df-- d-- ef-- df-- c-- bf-- |
        \repeat "volta" 2 { R1*6 } \alternative { { \resetOctave f 
\pennsylvania } { \pennsylvania } }
        bf8-. cf4-> bf8-> ~ bf4 bf8.-- af16-. r8 af4.---. r2 bf8-. cf4-- bf8-> 
~ bf4 bf8.-- af16-> ~ |
        af2~ af8 r8 r8. b16( ~ c4-.) cs8-- c8-> ~ c8 b4.-- bf4 af8. bf16 ~ bf4 
r c2( d4.) df8-> ~ |
        df8 d4-- df8-> ~ df4 r4 R1*6 \resetOctave f \pennsylvania |
        af,2-- cf-- af2.-- r4 af2-- cf-- af-- a-- |
        bf2.-- r4 ef2.-- ef4-- af,2 c df4.---> d8---> ~ d ef4.---> |
        af,2-- cf-- af2.-- r4 af2-- cf-- af-- a-- |
        bf2.-- r4 ef2.-- ef4-- af,2-- c-- df4 ef8.->( af,16) ~ af4 r |
        r8 c'4.---> ~ c2 r8 b4.---> ~ b2 r8. c16-> b8.-> b16-> c8.-> c16-> 
b8.-> b16-> c4-> r r2
        \repeat "volta" 2 { \repeat "percent" 3 { df8^+ df4.^o ~ df4 r R1 }
        df4.^\markup{ +o } df8^\markup{ +o } ~ df4. df8^\markup{ +o } ~ } 
\alternative { { df4. df8^\markup{ +o } ~ df4. r8 } { df4 df8. d16 r8 df4.---> 
} }
        R1*7 r2 r8 b4.^-^+( \glissando c1^o) ~ 
        c4 r r8 b4.^-^+( \glissando c1^o) ~ c4 r r8 c4.^-^+( \glissando df1^o) ~
        df4 r r8 b4.^-^+( \glissando c1^o) ~ c4 r r8 e4.^-^+( \glissando 
\repeat "volta" 2 { f1) ~
        f4 r r8 e4.^-^+( \glissando f1) ~ f4 r r8 e4.^-^+( \glissando f1) ~
        f4 r r8 e4.^-^+( \glissando f1) ~ } \alternative { { f2 r8 e4.^-^+( 
\glissando } { f2) r8 e4.^-^+( \glissando } }
        f1) ~ f4 r r8 e4.^-^+( \glissando f1) ~ f4 r r8 ef4.^-^+( \glissando 
        f1) ~ f4. f8 r4 d8.-> df16-> r8 d4.---> ef8.-> e16-> f8.-> gf16-> ~ gf1


Anthony W. Youngman -

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