as per mats suggestion, change directory to where your .ly file is located

On my machine just typing "convert-ly" and hit enter brings up usage
instructions. If that does not work for you, try specifying everything

"c:\program files\lilypond\usr\bin\" -e

or if that still fails

"c:\program files\lilypond\usr\bin\python.exe" "c:\program
files\lilypond\usr\bin\" -e

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 11:37 PM, Jay Hamilton <>wrote:

> A: I have tried over and over to follow the docs.  AND I have copy and
> pasted both Mats suggestions and now Simon's .
> Mats has never worked.  Yes the version info is in the file.  No it did not
> work.
> Simon's suggestion, I renamed the file without the space and in fact after
> that copy/pasted his version into run and it can't find convert-ly so I
> browsed to my applications file (on my desktop which is where I install lily
> from) and convert-ly flashes and there is no new version or file that I can
> find anywhere and the problem continues to exist.
> So I need more hints as either
> 1] how to change the header so it works the way it did in 2.10
> or
> 2] how to get convert-ly to work on my machine.
> Thanks
> Jay
> Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 12:18:55 +0300
> From: Simon Dahlbacka <>
> Subject: Re: Problem with header/copyright in new 2.12 version
> To:
> Cc: lilypond user group <>,        Mats Bengtsson
>       <>
> Message-ID:
>       <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 1:52 AM, Jay Hamilton <
> >wrote:
> > Unfortunately, I have never been able to get convert-ly to work.  It's
> > mostly my computer ignorance.  My files don't seem to be in simple places
> > and I never get the parameters correct.
> > so I have the file in C:\Documents and Settings\Frybyte\Desktop\Hamilton
> > it's called
> > my
> > it's version 2.10.25
> > I just tried to follow the instructions from the docs here's what I think
> > it says to do in run under xp
> > convert-ly --from C:\Documents and Settings\Frybyte\Desktop\Hamilton\
> >\version 2.10.25 --to C:\Documents and
> > Settings\Frybyte\Desktop\Hamilton\my version 2.12.2
> > That didn't work so what am I not understanding?
> >
> As you seem to have spaces in directory and/or filenames the arguments need
> to be quoted. Maybe that is your issue?
> e.g. convert-ly -e "C:\Documents and Settings\Frybyte\Desktop\Hamilton\
> Sorry for total ignorance.
> > Jay
> >
> > On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 3:04 PM, Mats Bengtsson <
> >
> >> The standard solution to all such compatibility problems is to run the
> >> file through convert-ly, to automatically update the syntax.
> >> (Just remember to specify \version "2.10.0" or something like that in
> the
> >> file header, so that convert-ly knows what to do.)
> >>
> >>  /Mats
> >>
> >> Jay Hamilton wrote:
> >>
> >>> Mats sent me this solution for multiple lines in the copyright and now
> >>> the bottom is overlapping and in one line.  How do I make it work like
> it
> >>> did in 2.10
> >>>
> >>> \version "2.12.2"
> >>> \header {
> >>>  title = "Positioning your finding"
> >>>  composer = "Jay Hamilton"
> >>>    copyright = \markup { \tiny \override #'(baseline-skip . 0.5)
> >>> \center-align
> >>>        {  "CC lic 2.5 some rights reserved Jay Hamilton 2009"
> >>>    "see";
> >>>               } }
> >>>               }
> >>> melody = \relative c'
> >>> {
> >>> \clef treble
> >>> \key c \major
> >>> \time 4/4
> >>> #(set-global-staff-size 30)
> >>> \override Staff.TimeSignature #' style = #' ()
> >>> \tempo 4=60
> >>> c1
> >>>  \bar "|."
> >>> }
> >>>
> >>> \score {
> >>> \new Staff \melody
> >>> \layout { }
> >>> \midi { \tempo 4=60 }
> >>> }
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Yours-
> >>> Jay
> >>>
> >>> Jay Hamilton
> >>>
> >>> 206-328-7694
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> _______________________________________________
> >>> lilypond-user mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> =============================================
> >>        Mats Bengtsson
> >>        Signal Processing
> >>        School of Electrical Engineering
> >>        Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
> >>        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
> >>        Sweden
> >>        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
> >>       Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
> >>        Email:
> >>        WWW: <> <
> >> =============================================
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > --
> > Jay Hamilton Sound and Silence 206-328-7694
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > lilypond-user mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> Yours-
> Jay
> Jay Hamilton
> 206-328-7694
lilypond-user mailing list

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