On Jun 28, 2009, at 2:55 AM, chip wrote:

I think there is obviously far too much white space, also the same on the Downloads page.

I disagree and find that most web pages have too much stuff crammed into them, usually so much that it's hard to find the information one is looking for. I like the simplicity of the page and I don't even think the separator lines are necessary. If you want to see the mother of layout nightmares, look at the GoDaddy.com pages. Jeebus, those suck.

I thing it's also important to minimize the use of Javascript (unless you're doing Ajax), drop-down menus, etc. Most of that stuff can be done with HTML which loads faster and works with more browsers more predictably. Avoid cute for the sake of cute. Usability is the thing of key importance and not how nifty people will think the code is.

As for the "Advertizing" (sic) tab, how about "Is LilyPond for you?" Or is that too long? If it is, how about "Using LilyPond"? Or even somethng bland like "Overview"?

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