Graham Percival wrote:
On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 11:35:16PM -0700, Patrick McCarty wrote:
On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 11:16 PM, chip<> wrote:
Here is an example of what I meant -

Thanks so much!  I didn't know what you were talking about, so
this example was very useful.  Yes, that *does* look nice.

I like it!  Anything looks better than those navigation tables.  Plus,
I cannot figure out what to do with them (style-wise).

Graham, do you think we should hide more of the navigation tables
(@menu...@end menu), and replace them with these new columns?

I'm beginning to think so... although this would be one point
*against* a uniform layout:
- the home page is special
My thoughts are that the home page is just fine the way it is. But the other top level pages - Advertising, Download, Manuals and Community - could all benefit from a uniform style - the colored boxes like on the Manuals page. The the sub pages Contact, Development and News all look nice - minimal yet still have a hint of the parent page style. It's gives a coherent look and 'feel' to the site as a whole. IMO, the style of the pages MacOSX and Source should be carried out through all the sub-pages - header followed by the colored box basic description followed by the body text.
Let's see where we are in 24-36 hours; at the very least I want to
finish the things that are currently in my mind.  After that, we
might end up with neat ideas that get dropped due to lack of
resources... unfortunate, but that's life in open source.  :|

- Graham

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