Eluze wrote Monday, June 29, 2009 12:19 AM

Mats Bengtsson-4 wrote:

There already is an example in the manual showing the use of *.
I think that is probably sufficient.
Yes, but it uses a for ... in ... do syntax that only works in BASH,

there is a similar syntax in batch processing for windows: for %x in (*.ly)
DO convert-ly -e %x
and you could use the option for /R  … to include subfolders!

convert-ly -e *.ly
works in all OS:s that I know of.
The main reason to include the more complicated version in the manual is that convert-ly -e *.ly may fail in situations where you have a large number of files in the same directory, since then the expanded command
line may get too long. However, this is such a rare case

i just (successfully) run convert-ly -e *.ly in a folder with more than 100'000 .ly files… - probably the ram (i had 4GB) determines how many files
can be processed!
altogether i would suggest to simply recommend convert-ly -e *.ly in the

OK, thanks, both. I've made further changes to include these suggestions.

Graham, I know the AU is scheduled to be hacked, but it's easier and
more efficient to get these changes into the docs as they are being
discussed, rather than having to fish out all the emails later and
re-familiarise yourself with them. The changed text will still be valid
and useful.


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