In message <blu0-smtp68d1bbf1e31839ae96b29994...@phx.gbl>, Kieren MacMillan <> writes
Hi Anthony (et al.),

DON'T assume web browsers are full screen!


I curse blue murder when someone else borrows my pc,
immediately "full screen"s all my windows (amongst other nasty little changes ...),
and then leaves me to sort out the resulting mess. :-(

Do what I do: define a guest user, and only give them access to that... I could care less what mess they leave the guest user in! =)

Doesn't work :-(

At home, everybody has their own login, but quite often I leave the computer for 10 seconds, and when I come back they're using my session...

And when I had a job, they would often come over to show me something (or I would ask them) so they needed to use my login but would trash my settings...

It's the old saw of theory and practice - in theory the "guest" idea is great, in practice it doesn't work (Oh - I don't have XP, and I run Pro or Server anyways, so I don't have fast user switching...)

Anthony W. Youngman -

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