On Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 01:05:00AM +0100, Anthony W. Youngman wrote:
> In message <blu0-smtp68d1bbf1e31839ae96b29994...@phx.gbl>, Kieren  
> MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> writes
>> Do what I do: define a guest user, and only give them access to  
>> that... I could care less what mess they leave the guest user in!  =)
> At home, everybody has their own login, but quite often I leave the  
> computer for 10 seconds, and when I come back they're using my  
> session...
> And when I had a job, they would often come over to show me something  
> (or I would ask them) so they needed to use my login but would trash my  
> settings...

Technically, you could copy all your settings into a secure area,
then whenever anybody touches your computer, you run a script that
wipes the current settings, and copies your saved settings back...
but I think that would be more work than simply muttering under
your breath at your family members and/or coworkers.  :)

(at least, it would be too much of a pain on windows.  On Linux,
you could set up very simple scripts to do this... OTOH, on
windows, you could just do a fast user switch (ctrl-alt-f1)
anyway... ;)

- Graham

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